Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First Tooth!!

June 20, 2007

Well, after months of drool and sore gums it has finally arrived...the first tooth!! And Jack is 6 months old today. I can't believe that he is already 6 months old. It seems like just yesterday that he was a teeny little peanut. It is hard to believe how much he has changed. He also loves his high chair and so do I. It is so useful and easy to use. Guess we can start some "real" foods soon since we are getting teeth.

Father's Day

June 17, 2007

Jonathan's first Father's Day. We have been so busy and on the go lately so we decided to stay at home and just relax. We had a great day just playing and shopping at Lowe's. We had a nice dinner together. I'm so proud of how well Jonathan takes care of Jack. Not all daddy's do as well as he does. Jack's face just lights up when he comes home from work. He always smiles at Jonathan.

Umm, Umm Watermelon

June 16, 2007

Today we had Jack's picture made. The theme...watermelons. The backdrop... very cute. Lots of watermelons, some sliced and some whole. The photographer sat Jack down and handed him a big slice of watermelon. Jack seemed a little confused. He just looked around and checked everything out. He kept trying to pick up his watermelon slice but it was just too heavy. Little did we know that all the while he was digging those little fingers into the slice. The next thing we knew Jack deposited a bite of the watermelon in his mouth. Not sure if he liked it or not, he looked pretty confused. He also fell out of a wash tub because he decided he wanted to stand instead of sit. Of course, he wasn't hurt but that was pretty much the end of the pictures.

Hanging Out With the Boys

June 12, 2007

Ok, so I always wonder what Jonathan, Jack and Oli do while I'm at work. You know, Jonathan works day shift and I work night shift. The routine is that I put Jack in his pajamas and give him a bottle right before I leave and then Jonathan puts him in his sleep sack, gives him a bottle and puts him to bed after they play for awhile. Funny things happen a lot, but this one takes the cake.

I always check my phone for messages about Jack's bedtime, tonight I had a funny message from Jonathan. It seems as though Jonathan put Jack in his sleep sack as usual but Jack wasn't quite ready for sleep. So he sat him up in his boppy pillow in our bed to let him play with his toys. Jonathan said he was having the best time. He played and talked until well past his bedtime. He finally got sleepy so Jonathan picked him up to put him in his crib. Well to his surprise, Jack was soaking wet along with our bed linens. At the same time Jonathan's hand was on Jack's butt and he realized that he had forgotten to put Jack's diaper on. Jack thought it was hilarious. He laughed and smiled the whole time Jonathan was changing all of his clothes and our bed linens. It seems as though Jack liked not wearing a diaper.


June 10, 2007

It was a beautiful day outside so we decided it was time for Jack to learn how to "swim". I put Jonathan to work blowing up the pool while I blew up the float. The water was pretty cold but Jack liked it. He watched Oliver play in the yard and looked for things to chew on. I think he will like it more when he can sit up by himself so that he doesn't need the float in his baby pool.

On the Go

June 8, 2007

Another busy weekend. I've determined that Jack is more content if we are out and about. He likes to go do the shopping with me. So today we went to Costco and went to the grocery store. He likes to see lots of new things. After that we packed up and went to Fort Payne for the weekend.

Friday night we stayed at Nana and Pop's for the night. We went out to dinner where Jack decided he liked lemons. He doesn't even make a face. However, he started to cry when the lemon was taken away.

On Saturday Grandma and Grandpa picked Jack up and the went to Grandma's company picnic in Tennessee at an amusement park called Lake Winnie. They said he had a great time and behaved really well. He enjoys doing anything outside. He's already getting a tan from being outside so much and that's through all of the sunscreen that I put on him. He even got to play on the carousel. Grandma says that he is a "trick rider" because he likes to stand on the horse instead of sitting.

After that we returned to Huntsville and met up with dad. The Randy Owen Golf Classic was at the golf course where Jonathan works and Randy Owen was playing music on the deck at the club house. Jack was very tired from the long day so I wasn't sure how long he would last. He loved it. First of all, we were outside. Second of all, lots of new things to see. Third, he got to dance. He smiled and laughed and squealed for an hour. He kicked his legs the whole time. He went fast to sleep when we got home.