Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Golf Balls!??

Ok, so this is funny. As most of you know, Jonathan and Jack are by themselves on the nights that I work. And pretty funny stuff happens, bad habits are formed and they have "parties" in his room leaving behind lots of toys and stuff. I'm sure I don't even hear about half of the stuff that goes on while I'm away.

So, last night I went to work as usual. At some point, Jack approaches Jonathan with what appears to be a golf ball in his hand. (we randomly have those around since Jonathan works at the golf course and Jack and Oliver play with them). Jonathan doesn't think anything is unusual about it and says, "throw it Jack". So what does Jack do? He throws it. Much to Jonathan's was an egg. Ha Ha! Jonathan found three broken eggs in the floor on the way back to the refrigerator. Of course Jonathan was just laughing about it. But the whole time he was trying to clean up the mess Jack was jabbering like he was telling Jonathan all about it and like it was Jonathan's fault. He told him to throw it!! Jonathan sent me a picture and message while I was at work and it just made my night.