Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Artist at Work

Ok, so's been awhile. When you read this post you will know why, I'm just going to give the highlights but you will get the idea of how busy Jonathan and I stay with the wild child. So, a couple of weeks ago Jack and I were having a typical day at home. I was not feeling well and trying to be lazy. I go to the kitchen and get Jack a snack. Well, he lingers behind to play with his fridge phonics magnets. I return to the couch. I can hear his magnets moving around on the fridge for about ten minutes, then I partially see him cut through the dining room and go to his room. After about ten minutes in his room I say to myself, "'s too quiet in there". So here I go into his room where I find that he has obtained a black sharpie marker from a drawer in the kitchen. I then followed the marks from multiple places in his room, down the wall in the dining room and into the kitchen. The kitchen being the worst! So now on top of not feeling well, I spent four hours, eight magic erasers and a bottle of goo gone cleaning the walls, the appliances, the cabinets and more. When Jack braves getting up from time-out, he comes into the kitchen where I'm cleaning and leans over my back and says, "color momma??". My answer was "no".

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